BayOpt 2020
Update 3/26/20: BayOpt 2020 has been postponed (originally May 22). Further details will follow in the summer.
The Sixth Bay Area Optimization will be hosted at University of California, Berkeley. The event will take place at the Hewlett Packard Auditorium (306 Soda Hall). The meeting will bring together leaders in optimization, variational analysis, and applications. Several lectures by experts in the field will describe state-of-the-art models and algorithms as well as real-world applications from public and private sectors.
University of California, Berkeley
Hewlett Packard Auditorium, 306 Soda Hall
Public Parking is available at the Upper Hearst Parking Structure (fee required).
Program Committee:
Anil Aswani, University of California, Berkeley (Local organizer)
Matthias Koeppe, University of California, Davis
Johannes O. Royset, Naval Postgraduate School (Chair)
Yinyu Ye, Stanford University
09:10 Welcome
09:20 Alper Atamturk, IEOR, Berkeley
10:00 Peter Frazier, Uber and Cornell
10:40 Break
11:10 Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Mathematics, UWashington
11:50 Wotao Yin, Mathematics, UCLA
12:30 Lunch
02:10 Peter Glynn, MS&E, Stanford
02:50 Steve Wright, Computer Science, UWisconsin
03:30 Break
04:00 Bin Yu, Statistics, Berkeley
There is no registration fee, but attendees are required to register by email to Johannes Royset ( Registration deadline details will be posted in the summer.